Monday, March 19, 2012

More New Words. (week 8)

Mia's new words (week 8)

1. Nap Time
2. Shopping
3. Grandma (notice the word above). 
4. Just chill it!  (give me strength, Lord)
5. Hello
6. Pop (ginger ale). 
7. Sebasti (Sebastian the cat)
8. Home 
9. Congratulations
10. Up 
11. Piggy (nighttime piggy) 
12. Ollie (nighttime elephant)
13. Hi Guys!
14. Go, go go (Cat in the Hat song)
15. Pinpin (stuffed penguin) 
16. Crazy cakes (Mia's favorite book: "I Love You Like Crazy Cakes")
17. Belly button
18. Thank you
19. Solo 
20. Cow 
21. China
22. Alligator
23. Esellant (excellent) 

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