Monday, October 17, 2011

Mia News!

Little Mia News

Our angel girl and her orphanage were visited in mid September 2011 by an agency representative that handles the charity outreach program.  She specifically recalled Yu Ting!  Little Mia Yu Ting is a shy butterfly.  She wouldn't approach or engage with the agency worker and hid behind her nanny.  Mia was described as "beautiful," "very cute," "shy," and "really strong."  She is bonded with her nanny and has 14 other orphanage brothers and sisters with her in the Gracie's Room Program.  There are currently 5 nannies for the 15 special angels in the program.  It sounds like Mia is receiving good care and individual attention for 8 hours a day from her nanny.  The orphanage is still in need of basics like shoes, socks and warm clothes for the kiddos.    Can i just say this wait is pure agony and I can't wait to cuddle my little muffin!  

1 comment:

  1. So excited to hear this wonderful update!!!
    She is so beautiful.
    Waiting anxiously along with you....
    Krista Dolan
    Director Gracie's Room
